

Created by Thorny Comics

A brand new, ongoing anthology comics series, featuring stories by students in Scott Snyder's Our Best Jacket writing workshop/class.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

NEW ADD-ON - Limited Edition Signed by Scott Snyder!
7 months ago – Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 10:25:36 AM

Friends - thanks to all your support, we're already at 90% funding!

Today we're adding a new add-on...If you are supporting the campaign at a pledge level with physical rewards, you will see a new reward in the add-on section...

Back us at a physical level and you can also pick up a copy of the book SIGNED BY SCOTT SNYDER!

Choose any cover you want, trade or virgin, and Scott will sign your copy if you choose this add-on.

We are limiting this to just one copy per backer, and only 10 copies in total - so this is going to be a very rare collectible!

Thanks for all your support so far. We're excited for the future of this series and that's because of all of you!

They LOVE us!
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 01:52:33 PM

Friends - we've been selected by Kickstarter as a PROJECT WE LOVE!

This means Kickstarter will feature the project more heavily and put it in front of more eyeballs - they only do this with projects that are performing well on their own, which means we have you and your support to thank for this honor!


In related news, we've already gotten 55% of the way to our funding goal in just 20 hours!

Thank you again for helping us bring this anthology series to life. We'll be in touch soon with some new goodies we're planning to add to the campaign...

In the meantime, two of the team that made this anthology possible have other campaigns that could use your support:

Sean Ian Mills, whose story GOD OF SCIENCE appears in The CloakRoom, is co-writer of a new book: GAMER GIRL & VIXEN, Volume 2

Jerry Carita, co-editor and publisher of The CloakRoom, has an all-ages story co-created with his son, about a group of pirate bears fighting all the things kids are afraid of: THE GRIZZLY CREW.

Please check them out and thank you for supporting indie comics!